

Prayer Requests

We would love to pray for you! Do you have a prayer request? Email it in using the button and instructions below. Our Prayer Chain coordinator will receive it and send it out to the Prayer Chain as quickly as possible.

Please include:

  • Your first & last name

  • Your request

If you're sharing a request about others, please make sure:

  • It is respectful, caring, and beneficial to them

  • You know the information is true

  • You have permission if details are sensitive

Prayer Requests are shared with those who are committed to pray for the needs and concerns of the Body of Christ at Maple Ridge Alliance Church.

Prayer Requests are to be kept confidential and prayer-focused.

If you love to pray for people, and want to be a part of our Prayer Chain, use the button above to contact the Prayer Chain coordinator, and ask to be added to the Prayer Chain email list.

Pre-Service Prayer

Every Sunday before each Service we’ll have a time to pray for each Service along with other things going on in the Church, community, and world.

Location: Boardroom (by the Office)

Anyone is welcome to join, and pray along silently, or out loud if you feel comfortable, both ways are great. Also feel welcome to share a prayer request, or simply be in the presence of prayer to prepare your heart for the Service.

No need to sign up, just come!


Prayer Team

Our Prayer Team meets to pray before both of our Services. Anyone is welcome to come and join the Pre-Service Prayer times, and pray for our Service, and the people of our Church and Community. Details of the meetings will be provided soon, once the meetings are regularly under way.

Some members of the Prayer Team also pray with people who come forward for prayer at the end of our Services. This is an important role, and is based on the specific abilities and spiritual readiness of the Prayer Team member. This is not required of all Prayer Team members.

If you’re interested in joining our Prayer Team in any way, sign up below and connect with one of our Pastors.